Lan speed test dd-wrt
Lan speed test dd-wrt


Next, LAN Speed Test builds a file in memory, then transfers it both ways (without effects of Windows/Mac file caching) while keeping track of the time, and then does the calculations for you. to test the drive speed, or a shared folder on your network to test your network speed. This folder can be on a local drive or USB drive, etc. LAN Speed Test was designed from the ground up to be a simple but powerful tool for measuring file transfer, hard drive, USB Drive, and Local Area Network (LAN) speeds (wired & wireless). only some of the more advanced features are disabled. LAN Speed Test (Lite) is fully functional with no time limits, etc. But I think I finally got my setup to a state that I can deal with, until Tomato starts supporting the Linksys WRT 150N.After installing LAN Speed Test v4, it begins in (Lite) mode. So that is the process, it took a lot of hunting around on the internet. After I powered on the WRT150N I was able to connect to my network through my new WAP. The last step required is to power on (or reboot) the router acting as the WAP. If the LAN light comes on, the router has automatically switched the polarity and a crossover cable is not required. To test this, connect a standard Ethernet cable between the two routers. You may need a crossover cable to do this, although many modern routers have an automatic polarity sensing. To complete the link between the two routers, I connected a LAN port on my main router, to a LAN port on the WRT150N (to be used as my WAP). This behavior is, however, undesirable for a Wireless Access Point, the WAP needs to pass through the wireless connections to the real router and needs to act as a client of the LAN instead of the master of the LAN. The acts as the main gateway to the internet, and if that wasn't static, the LAN traffic wouldn't be able to get out to the internet. There is no option available through the interface for this type of request because normally the LAN IP Address is the routers static local address (most cases that acts as the constant in your network. This startup script runs whenever the router is booted or rebooted, and the purpose of it is to request an IP Address from the DHCP server and set the Local IP Address (or LAN IP Address). If test `ifconfig br0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk ''` Udhcpc -i br0 -p /var/run/ -s /tmp/udhcpc -H `nvram get router_name` This part took me the better part of a day to perfect, because like many UNIX commands it is a convoluted syntax of piped commands flowing over each other in order to massage the data for the desired results. Tracking down problems caused by multiple DHCP servers can be time-consuming and difficult. If you do not turn off DHCP, when you plug your router into the network (after configuration), your WAP may provide IP addresses to clients on the wired network, and this may be inappropriate. I turned off the DHCP on the router for my WAP. You can find more indepth information at this blog post.


bin file and browse to the firmware upgrade page for the router and install. The process of installing the DD-WRT firmware is pretty straight forward. So in the case where I cannot use Tomato, DD-WRT serves as a great alternative to me. DD-WRT may not have the user experience that Tomato has, but it is still miles ahead of the Linksys Firmware. The first step I had to do was get rid of the crappy Linksys Firmware and upgrade the WRT150N to the latest stable version of DD-WRT. This is important so that the wireless signals and SID (Wireless Name) doesn't conflict when you are done. So I decided to try and have the best of both worlds and keep my WRT54G (old router running Tomato Firmware) as my gateway and turn the WRT150N (new router running DD-WRT) in to an access point on my network.īefore I started I made sure to disable the Wireless Radio on my WRT54G in preparation for the Wireless Access Point (WAP). And I didn't want to switch to DD-WRT for a couple of reasons, the most important being that I really like the Tomato user experience and it would be a pain to setup the router with all my custom configurations again. However I had one problem the WRT150N will not run the Tomato Firmware.


I wanted to update my wireless capabilities to the latest 802.11 Draft N standard, so that I could take advantage of the speed boost when working wirelessly. This post is a reminder to myself in case I ever need to troubleshoot this setup process again, but I thought I would post it just in case it is useful to somebody else.Ī couple days ago I ordered myself a Linksys WRT150N to replace my aging Linksys WRT54G wireless router. Creating a Wireless Access Point using DD-WRT Home Subscribe Creating a Wireless Access Point using DD-WRT 28 December 2008 on DD-WRT, How To, Linksys, Tomato, WRT150N, WRT54G

Lan speed test dd-wrt